Birthday Card

One of my very dearest friends turned 50 this week.  So I wanted to make a special card for her.  But being the holidays and all, I didn’t have much time to create a masterpiece.  So I needed to make something simple, to get it done in time, and cheery.  I’m not a fan of black birthday cards, so common for the big 5-0.  I hope she liked this card.  I really like the layout – one I found on Pinterest (big surpriseLaughing)

judy birthday card


You might notice a little sneak peek here Wink with one of the embossed sections.  It’s from the new Spring Catalog, and I LOVE it!  Hopefully some of you will be receiving your catalog in the mail very soon.  If you would like a catalog, just let me know.  It is filled with such beautiful things!  I think it is my absolute favorite mini catalog evah!signature2

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