Digital scrapbooking is where it’s at!

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE to create my digital scrapbooks.  I love scrapbooks in general, but my perfectionism often keeps me from finishing any paper pages.  I always think I should crop my pictures differently and I don’t like my handwriting for my journaling.  So I have a hard time gluing anything down.  That’s not a good way to finish a scrapbook.  But when I can create my pages on my computer, I can make all the changes I want by cropping my pictures in different ways and adding my words with adorable fonts until I’m happy  and then send it to the printer.  I can see things in several different ways and choose which look I like best Sealed.

If you have ever wanted to give the digital world a try, now is the time.  You can now download Stampin’ Up!’s My Digital Studio Express program for FREE!  Just add the free My Digital Studio Express trial (item 129600) to your online shopping cart, and then download and install it from your Download Manager. (Demonstrators, order it on a Demo order).  You will have the option to purchase either the 2 disc My digital Studio program or the Express download version at the end of the 30 days if you wish to continue to use the program.

If you do like using the program, I totally recommend purchasing the full version after your trial period as it’s the one I personally own and use.  Keep in mind that you can use other digital  kits, in addition to the ones you can purchase from Stampin’ Up! so you are not limited to Stampin’ Up! content.  If you attend one of my workshops, you will hear my tips on finding FREE digital content.

I cannot recommend strongly enough that you to give this a try.  In my opinion, this really is the best way to scrapbook!  If you have any questions about entering the digital world, just contact me.  I would LOVE to share my love of digital scrapbooking with you!  It’s fun and the results are cherished by all who view the books.  So why not give it a try today – you have nothing to lose and so many memories to document!

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