New Product – Simply Scored Borders Scoring Plate

With the new Spring Mini catalog, you will find numerous new products that are sure to make your crafting experience more enjoyable.  One of my favorite new items in the Borders Scoring Plate.  Here is a video from Stampin’ Up! about this exciting new item:

While it can be a bit tricky to use at first, the results really add a punch to your projects.  For those of you already fans of dry embossing, you will want to get this on your very first order from the Spring Mini!  You can order this starting January 3, 2013.  There are many more beautiful items in this new catalog.  Again, I will post a link to this catalog as soon as possible.  I hope many of you have already received your copy in the mail.  Place a minimum order of $50 with me and I’ll send you mini catalogs for FREE in the mail!

Don’t forget, the Sale-a-bration begins January 22, 2013!  I love getting FREE items, don’t you?signature2

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