MIA and Sale-a-bration is coming to an end :(

I am so sorry I have been “out” for quite some time.  I’ve been working on the yearbook for my children’s elementary school, without much assistance.  But I wanted to remind you all the Sale-a-bration is ending on March 31, 2012!  Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by – take advantage of receiving FREE product  with every  $50 order!  Click on the image to view the FREE items in this Sale-a-bration catalog:

And you still have a little time to schedule a workshop.  Now is definitely the time as Hostesses receive even more benefits from the Main Catalog AND the Sale-a-bration Catalog.  Have questions? – just send me an email and I’ll get back to you quickly!

And while it’s ALWAYS a good time to join my team, if you join during Sale-a-bration, you can purchase the kit for just $125 AND you will receive either a digital download or package of DSP FREE every month through 2012!  So don’t let Sale-a-bration end before taking advantage of all you can get for FREE!!!!!

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