I’m trying something new . . .

It is hard to get people to want to host a workshop in their home. I get it, I truly do. So I am trying something new. I have found a cute little local coffee place that has a lovely large table perfect for a card class! So I hope my local friends can join me for some coffee, chatting and crafting 🙂

The most intricate card we will be making was CASEd from the amazingly talented Mary Fish. I love this very non-traditional Valentine’s Day card, don’t you!?! It uses the Meant to Be bundle.

I just HAD to use the adorable Home to Roost stamp set from our Sale-a-bration brochure! We’ll do some easy coloring with our Blends on this cute card.

And finally, we’ll make this super cute and quick birthday card that uses our whisper white note cards and envelopes as well as the Piece of Cake bundle.

I hope my local friends can join me for some stamping fun! See you there!

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