Are you overwhelmed by our catalogs?

We have so many amazing products in our catalogs, it is easy to get overwhelmed, so please don’t feel bad.  When browsing, I suggest looking closer at stamp sets that have both sentiments and images.  Those sets will help you create complete cards or other projects. The following card just uses one stamp set and one ink pad.  I think I even used just one acrylic block.  So with minimal products, you can create really pretty cards 🙂 

Simple one color ink and one stamp set card by Keep Inking Up

Add another ink pad color and some twine and get this card.

Simple card by Keep Inking Up using one stamp set and two ink colors

Rooted in Nature clear-mount bundle 

Linen Thread 

Garden Green Ink Pad

Soft Suede Ink Pad 

Clear D block

You can make pretty cards using any stamp set that has both images and sentiments in a flash! So take a look at your crafting supplies and have fun stamping!

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